New Year, New Goals

As the old year comes to a close, what will the new year bring?
As the old year comes to a close, what will the new year bring?

As the year winds to a close, I cannot help but think on the year to come. I have done enough reflecting this year and don’t care to dwell further on some of the negative moments that challenged me. Better to focus on the potential of the New Year and what I can make happen there. For is it not better to take the bull by the horns and create your world, rather than let the world happen to you? Plus, if I write some ideas down now, there is that much more potential to make them happen, instead of relying on my sometimes faulty memory to recall some of those great goals I had.

Ideas to Pursue in the New Year

  • create a calendar for upcoming contests
  • set up an ultimate archive
  • join a networking group
  • take a writing class
  • attend writing/poetry workshops & readings
  • touch base with potential new clients

Have you thought about the New Year and your writing goals yet?

2 thoughts on “New Year, New Goals”

  1. Oh, and as an added bonus and bit of inspiration to me, this is my 100th post on ‘A Writer’s Take’. Congratulations to me for reaching that milestone!

    happy dance


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