
Connections: Keeping your Social Media Management in the Loop For those of you in need of someone to manage your social media accounts, I have a tip. Let the person who is handling your accounts know what you are doing. If you are updating them yourself, it is easy to add pictures from your day,… Continue reading Connections

Life on the Go

There has been so much going on in my world the last little while. Between clients updating websites and field trips for me to attend various work-related events, I feel like I haven't had a moment's rest the last month. But I love it! It helps to keep my time management skills sharp, not to mention… Continue reading Life on the Go

Spring Fever: It’s Time to Grow

Well, the cold that was threatening a month ago ran over me hard. I went from the flu to bronchitis (or something that involved body-wracking coughs that lasted for several weeks at the least). After being left with little energy and a mound of work to catch up on, my computer decided to get sick… Continue reading Spring Fever: It’s Time to Grow