

Some weeks, my mind gravitates towards one focus. Other weeks, a different niche grabs my attention. Recently, kindness was my focus, but this week the concept of quality has sat with me.

What is quality? It depends upon the context, but here’s some examples from my world. For me, it is proof-reading your work before hitting publish. It is making time for clients, but more importantly for friends. Quality can be seen in the way you give back to your community and to those less fortunate than yourself. A mark of someone who cares is in remembering special dates, big events, and important happenings that touch someone else. Just a few words asking after a person can mean so much.

Taking the time to put in your best effort is important. It might take longer, but in the grand scheme of things, is worth it. A half hazard attempt shows in so many ways and speaks volumes of the person behind them. Do you want to work with or be associated with someone who doesn’t put in their best effort? That is often questionable.

And as I cannot let it go, I reread my words before sending them out into the universe. I add thoughts here, take some away there. I reread the above paragraph three times and changed the wording to make the paragraph more succinct and less repetitive. And gosh darn it, I had to look up how to spell succinct, not to mention double-check the definition to make sure that was the correct word for my meaning. Took away another few words again…

It feels like I am getting away from that definition now, but it is all part of the process. What marks quality for you in a person or someone’s efforts? Is it in perfection or compassion? Thought or details? Brevity or depth of information?

succinct – marked by the use of few words to convey much information or meaning

2 thoughts on “Quality”

  1. Another excellent post, Katherine. It is especially meaningful for me at this time as we struggle to make parents, students and colleges understand that it is quality that we are fighting for – a quality education taught by quality teachers in order for you to have a quality job when you leave school.


    1. I have read your posts Caroline and wish you strength in your fight. It’s a shame that it IS a fight. I understand what you are fighting for and applaud you for standing up for what you deserve. What the students deserve! Don’t they want decent teachers? Don’t people understand that you also need to make a living and the one you are offered is not up to standards? A quality teacher will only be there if they are compensated accordingly. Without recognition and fair remuneration, why would any quality teacher stay?

      It is about quality Caroline and I wish you strength in trying to make people understand what you are standing up for. I hear you.


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