Student Life

Creative Writing Course
So I did it. After taking a hiatus from advanced learning, I am a student again. And can I tell you that it is exciting!

My sister inspired me. She has been going through a bit of a mid-life crisis of sorts, but has come to the point where she is taking back control. One of the ways she is doing that is by taking a photography course, which has always been an interest and passion of hers. I love to hear her voice rise and fall in excited cadence, as she describes the preparations needed to take the course and the growth she will potentially experience through the process. Her verve just might open some new and very exciting doors in her world and I am thrilled for her over it.

As I saw her firing up over this new venture, it made me think about my own passions. Mine of course is writing. I have been scribbling my thoughts into journals for as long as I can remember. Stories, both fiction and non, have taken shape on foolscap, in blogs, and for a variety of writing contests. I love the process, the creativity and the stories that emerge from it.

But sometimes inspiration can leak out of the best of writers. The well feels like it runs dry of ideas. Yes, we all need a bit of a leg-up on occasion; a kick in the pants of inspiration. For me, I have to face facts that other writers might know more than I. Sad, but true. We all have something more to learn. Education opens doors and introduces new muses. And that is exactly what I need at this point in time.

So today I said my hellos in an online forum for “Creativity for Writers”, an online creative writing course. I am going back to school, hoping to learn a few new tricks of the trade and perhaps meet a few new voices in the field. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

How do you keep your passion alive and your voice fresh?

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