To Read a Book

I am a reader. I think that is a given for any writers that are worth their salt. In order to improve your own craft, you need to find the joy in other’s words, take a cue from when those words are ill-used, and just get lost in a world other than your own head.

And yes, without books I don’t know how I would live. If you are like me, than you too probably have a weakness for acquiring new books. The library is a favourite location of mine, but when a book is my very own it is a different thing altogether. I can re-read it, lend it to others, write in it (an inscription at best – perish the thought of marking up a sacred tome!) and of course add it to my personal library to enjoy.

Would you care for a new book for your personal library? I know just the place for you to acquire one. There happens to be a giveaway that opened today at A New Day. Head over and enter before the contest closes!

Don’t forget to share!

5 thoughts on “To Read a Book”

      1. I didn’t; thanks for the heads up. I’m such a dufus on stuff like this. For instance, I still have no idea what being part of a blog tour means. I see other bloggers mention it, and I’ve been asked to be on one, but outside of just reviewing the book–I’m clueless.


      2. To be honest, this is the first blog tour I’ve participated in. Basically, it isn’t very far off any other review you would write. ECW Press was easy to deal with and the author of the book was great. They gave me free reign on what I wanted to do (and a free book to read!) and organized what day the reviews would be published.

        My blog, my words!

        I thought it was worth a try. Maybe you will too…


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