Life is Waiting

Life is waiting to be written

Happy New Year my friends.

The old year is winding down and I am more than ready to bid it adieu. I look at the year to come as a year of possibilities yet to be discovered. The older I get, the more I realize that there is nothing to fear in the unknown. I can handle whatever life throws at me. I have done it before, and sure as eggs, I’ll have to do it again before I am ready.

What I need to remember is that I have friends along the way who will be there when I need them. Some will appear briefly as a reminder and when my need is greatest. Others will be stalwart companions who will never leave my side. And guaranteed there will be new faces appear when I am ready for them.

I only have to step outside of my box to find all of these people. I know they are there. They are waiting. Just like the words on the blank page that have yet to be penned. Today I take a moment to embrace this thought and welcome you all to join me. For you are part of my journey too.

How will we change the future?

2 thoughts on “Life is Waiting”

  1. Very true. Sometimes we need to step out to find people who don’t always come to us first. But they are there. I am glad you have people to love and support you. All the best to you and your family and friends in 2015!


    1. All the best to you too Suzanne. For those whom have had to face adversity, I think we are better able to recognize and cherish the people that are granted a space in our lives. May you and all of your special family and friends have a blessed year in 2015!


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