Hot New Release: Roughing it in Africa

The journey was long, but I have finally arrived. Last Thursday, I held a virtual book launch for Roughing it in Africa. The book is now officially available on Amazon. Within a short time, tt rocketed to #1 on Kindle in African Travel, African Travel Guides, and even Family Travel Guides. Holy moly! I am riding an incredible high over that. Such an incredible experience.

Not only that, but Roughing it in Africa is listed as a #1 Hot New Release in African Travel as of this morning. That is awesome!!!

Interested in getting a copy for yourself? Of course you are! We haven’t been anywhere in so long, it is high time we got a little travelling in. Stepping into the pages of Roughing it in Africa will take you through South Africa up to Kenya and back again over the span of 10 months. Doesn’t that sound like a pretty good journey? Through in a little adventure, a lot of coming of age, and you have the perfect summer read.

Get your copy today and help keep me that Bestseller ranking. Thank you for all your support!

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