A Picture of Quality

I like to write. I always have. While some of my favourite pieces are often poetry, over the years I have created short stories, travel adventure series, spotlights and many, many general interest compositions. When I discovered that I could sit at the computer (for hours) tapping away on writing projects and people were interested enough to read them, I was thrilled.

Yeah, for discovering blogging!

Yeah, for writing!

Yeah, for Me!

As time went on, a few other people noticed that I churned out quite a few words over the course of any given day. That word got out and the phone rang. Then there was a knock at the door. All of a sudden, business people, many of them friends or acquaintances, were interested in what I was writing. And they were interested in whether I could do the same for them!


My writing took on a whole new vein. I still sit at the computer for hours, but now the words that I write are often crafted for other people.

Why me, I wondered?

Well, it’s really quite simple . I took the time to delve into the world of blogging and figured it out. I did it for me, but in so doing, I became a bit of an expert. Maybe not the biggest, brightest expert known to the web, but certainly far more knowledgeable than the folks who turned to me to write for them on a regular basis. They recognized the power of social networking, but had companies to run that already took up all their time. Dare I pat myself on the back by thinking that these folks also recognized that the quality of my writing was good, consistent and in line with an image that they wanted to put forth? Apparently that’s the truth! Even when clients have left my writing fold, they have sometimes come back or sent others my way with notes of praise.

That is the power of quality my friends. No amount of advertising buys that. I attempt to do my best in every piece that I write and I believe that it shows. I constantly re-read, edit and scrutinize every letter on the page. I read aloud, to hear if the words flow smoothly or leave me flat. I preview all articles before posting them, to ensure that they look as I want them to on the page. Sometimes aesthetics count more than the words themselves.

Insert the adage for what “a picture is worth” here – …

I may not be a wildly famous, published author (yet), but when a former client calls me up wondering if I can fit her back into my schedule, that lets me know that I am doing a pretty good job. Thanks for the confidence builder Maria! I am happy to offer my words to your cause once again…

Artwork that inspired my First Post back to the Budding Artists Studio


4 thoughts on “A Picture of Quality”

    1. Thanks Rebecca. My girls love to be creative & Budding Artists has awesome art workshops, kits and ideas that my kids devour.


  1. This post really inspired me to think twice before posting something just to post.
    That was my motto when I first started blogging, but now I realize that if I’m serious about doing this, I have to care about the quality of my words.

    So thank you, I’m glad to have found your blog!


    1. People notice quality. Not everything that we write is going to be the best piece ever, but if you take the time to care about your words, you just might be surprised at how many people notice.

      Good luck with your writing!


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